Entries in Updates (4)

Supplier Quality Clause Q-40 Updated

We recently updated Q-40, RESTRICTION ON ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES CONTAINING SPECIALTY METALS (JAN 2011) (DFAR 252.225-7009), to include the most recent update to the list of qualifying countries from DFAR 225.003. The August 2016 update adds the countries of Czech Republic, Japan, Poland, and Slovenia. No other revisions have been made to Q-40.

You can see the full clause in our Supplier Portal.


New & Updated Supplier Purchase Order Information

We have added the following new "Q" clauses to our Supplier Portal:

Also, we have revised Q-36 and added a supplemental document, Contract Compliance & Awareness of Malpractice Prevention, to provide more information on this topic.

As always, CEPEDA purchase orders cite all necessary requirements by referencing a number of "Q" clauses at the end of the order. Visit the Supplier Portal to access the full text of those clauses. Remember, only the ones listed at the end of your purchase order are applicable.

If you have questions or difficulty accessing these and other resources on our website, please use the Contact Us page to let us know.

Supplier Portal Updates

We have made a few updates to the Supplier Portal of which all suppliers need to be aware.

We recently added a "Forms" folder on the Supplier Portal. Here you can download common forms that may be used to fulfill the requirements of quality clauses. More forms will be added as needed.

We have updated the following clauses on our Supplier Portal:

The following clause has been added:

Suppliers should check their purchase orders to see if these clauses are required. As always, you can login to the Supplier Portal and download the current and historical versions of these documents.

Updated Purchase Order Quality Clauses

We have updated the following "Q" clauses on our Supplier Portal:

  • Q-2 - Certificate of Conformance (CofC)
  • Q-15 - Raw Material Test Reports
  • Q-17 - Restriction on Acquisition of Ball and Roller Bearings (Prior to DEC 2003) (DFAR 252.225-7016) ...this was a title change only
  • Q-26 - Mercury Prohibition and Asbestos Warning
  • Q-34 - Level I/SUBSAFE Material Test Report

The following "Q" clauses have been added:

  • Q-17A - Restriction on Acquisition of Ball and Roller Bearings (JUN 2011) (DFAR 252.225-7016)
  • Q-44A - Validation of Restrictive Markings on Technical Data (JUN 2012) (DFAR 252.227-7037)

Suppliers should check their purchase orders  to see if these clauses are required.  You can login to the Supplier Portal and download the current and historical versions of these documents.